In astrology we study the good and reverse effects of the planets over 12 zodiac houses i.e., on our health, finance, co-born, mother, education, diseases, marriage, longevity, luck, career and profession, income, in-laws, expenditures, litigations etc. and proper ways and remedies to get rid of the evil or malefic effects. There are so many ways for remedial measures being practiced by different countries. In India and especially in Assam we have also different procedure of remedies for malefic effect of the planets on us. Some of these are Traditional and some are modern and researched. To judge a horoscope the ascending sign is much more important as well as moon sign are very much important. Apart from this the moon’s degree, minutes, seconds are also important for deciding and calculating dasha (period) of particular planet. Even, for calculating and judging match making for marriage purpose. We receive seven colours (visible) i.e. VIBGYOR and two invisible colours i.e. Infra Red and Ultra violet which have much impact in human life. These two rays stand for Rahu and Ketu which are also invisible planets. These two planets torture much in human life rather than other seven planets. Even Saturn does not affect our life as much as done by Rahu and Ketu in conjunction with other planets. For example it causes Kal Sarpa Yoga, Guru Chandal Yoga, Shani Ketu Yuga, and Rahu Shani Yoga etc. etc. So, these two planets and their calculation should be done by any Astrologer very very carefully to accumulate perfect result acquiring by any yoga created by these two planets. Apart from these, there are thousands of yoga formed by aspects, conjunction, position on one seventh, exchange of abode etc.
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